The Characters: Elena de le Vega

"When I sleep I will dream of this dashing rouge El Zorro.

Elena is the daughter of California's notorious servant of the people, El Zorro, but she was raised in Spain by her father's mortal enemy, Raphael Montero. Believing this cruel and conniving man to be her father, she never entrusts anything but love toward him... until she comes to California and gentle hints of the past begin to haunt her. The scent of familiar flowers... the sound of Bernardo's voice... 

Captivated by the gentle compassion of Don Alejandro's servant, Bernardo, who is really Diego in disguise, she finds herself slowly drifting toward the truth. Torn between her fascination of the young masked bandit that caught her attention outside of the church one night and her strong attraction to the handsome and well-groomed Don Alejandro, Elena's heart is about to be badly shaken.

She knows nothing of her "father's" evil plans for California, nor anything of Captain Love's brutal tactics. But her eyes are about to be opened, and when they are, Elena will face the greatest choice of her life... who to believe. 

Character Traits

Elena is the very essence of sweetness and goodness, kind to all and unsuspecting; but she is also passionate and forward, not afraid to step on a few toes or challenge even Zorro to a duel. It is this feistiness that will give her the strength to live through what lies ahead... and her passion will not overrule her heart. 

Memorable Moments:

The moment on the beach when she first arrives in California and the flowers' scent reminds her of something... that look of questioning thoughtfulness on her face as she sniffs the delicate blossoms... Perhaps a thread of a memory surfaced and was then hidden once more under those large and expressive brown eyes. 

Memorable Quotes:

"My nenieta once told me that a party can see you in the moonlight. So I used to steal out at night and ride across Santa Lucia and wave at the sky so that she would know it was me."

"What is nobility, Don Alejandro? Climbing in and out of carriages?"

"Give it to me. Whatever it is that you've stolen from my father, I want it back. Give it to me."

"Oh, no, on the contrary Don Alejandro... I think merely of your distaste for perspiration."